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Extended Warranty 2 Years

Want to have your MioMat under warranty longer than 2 years? We got you!

1 Year Extension

(3 Years in Total)

$24.95 incl. VAT

2 Year Extension

(4 Years in Total)

$39.99 incl. VAT

This warranty extension extends the included 2-year warranty of the MioMat.
This warranty is solely for defects that occurred even though the machine was used according to the instruction manual.
Machines that were misused will not be covered.

Please provide the order number you want this extended warranty associated with. When bought from our website it’s a four-digit number (xxxx), when bought from amazon it’s a 17-digit number. (xxx-xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx).

Please provide the number at the checkout under the tab ”order notes”.
You can find your order number in the order confirmation email.
Thank you!

Give a used MioMat another chance and save 40$

ReMioMat is a MioMat that has been returned within the 30-day money-back guarantee.

We inspect every MioMat by hand and if it looks very good after cleaning we give it another chance by selling it again.

Original price was: $169.95.Current price is: $149.95. with Free US Shipping



Extend your Miomat warranty

Extend Miomat warranty for 1 year

Extend Miomat warranty for 2 years